There are two types of systems that use confined fluids to transmit forces from one location to another.
A hydraulic system is a confined, pressurized system that uses moving liquids.
A pneumatic system is a confined pressurized system that uses moving air or other gases, such as carbon dioxide.
These systems work when air, gas or liquids are pressurized or forced out of an item.
Figure 1 Figure 2
A hypodermic syringe is a The pneumatic system is a section of technology
simple hydraulic system. that deals with the study and application of pressurized gas to produce mechanical motion.
Hydraulic system Pneumatic system
Figure 3 Figure 4
A jackhammer is a pneumatic An air pump is a device for pushing air.
tool that combines a hammer Pneumatic system
directly from a chisel.
Hydraulic system
Figure 5 Figure 6
A leaf blower is a gardening tool A water pump transforms water from one place
that propel air out of a nozzle. to another.
Pneumatic system Hydraulic system
Figure 7 Figure 8
Water pressure cleans driveways Compressor nail gun is useful when
cars. making a frame when nailing nails.
Hydraulic system Pneumatic system
Figure 8 Figure 9
Pumps water from the ground. A vacuum cleaner vacuums from one end
Hydraulic system and the other side is blowing.
Pneumatic system
Figure 11 Figure 12
Paintball gun pressures the paintball Hair dryer drys the hair.
to shoot. Pneumatic system
Pneumatic system
Figure 13 Figure 14
Car lifter lifting cars to fix the bottom Hydraulic tool to join pipes.
of the car. Hydraulic system
Hydraulic system
Figure 15 Figure 16
Hydraulic lifter lifts heavy materials. Superland for entertainment.
Hydraulic system Pneumatic system
Figure 17 Figure 18
Chair can lower down and Pneumatic system transport.
lift up. Pneumatic system
Pneumatic system
Figure 19 Figure 20
A garbage truck has a lifter A crane helps pick up heavy items, useful
that picks up pins. when making houses or buildings.
Pneumatic system Pneumatic system
Figure 21 Figure 22
A hydraulic lifter machine A snowplow helps push snow or pick up snow
helps clean tall buildings. and move it aside.
Hydraulic system Hydraulic system
Figure 23 Figure 24
A dental chair can be reclined, A dental handpiece High-speed removes
lifted and lowered. tooth decay and shape the teeth.This Pneumatic system hand piece is driving by compressed air.
Pneumatic system
Figure 25 Figure 26
The suction unit is used with dry air suction system. A sprinkler bottle pushes water out of
Transports distances for aspirated substances, cleans the bottle to water plants.
air passages for the suction unit. Hydraulic system
Pneumatic system
Figure 27 Figure 28
Vintage fireplace bellows helps fire Liquid soap is forced out when you push
going by blowing air. the lever.
Pneumatic system Hydraulic system
Figure 29 Figure 30
A gatorade bottle is used to Ketchup or mustard can be used when
store beverages and when squeezed , you squeeze the bottle.
the beverage comes out of the hole. Hydraulic system
Hydraulic system
Figure 31 Figure 32
A spray can sprays paint when A fire extinguisher is used for emergency
its pressed on the top. a small or big fire occurs and its used when
Hydraulic system you squeeze the nozzle.
Hydraulic system
Figure 33 Figure 34
Garden spray is used on hoses Silicone gun is used to silicone/glue items together.
to spray grass or garden areas. Hydraulic system
Hydraulic system
Figure 35 Figure 36
A honey bottle gets honey To get the shampoo out of its bottle, you'll
out of the bottle when the need to squeeze the bottle.
bottle is squeezed. Hydraulic system.
Hydraulic system.
Figure 37 Figure 38
Tooth paste is used everyday and A water gun sprays water when you shoot
to put tooth paste on your tooth brush, your target by squeezing the nozzle.
you must squeeze it. hydraulic system.
Hydraulic system.
Figure 39 Figure 40
An axe or cologne is a spray whipped cream sprays cream
liquid to make a nice smell. when push the nozzle.
hydraulic system Hydraulic system
Figure 41 Figure 42
A sandblaster machine is A BB gun is used to shoot
used to blast sand really quick, target and the bullets get
it gives a lot of pressure so forced and pressurized out of
the sand could stick. guns hole.
Pneumatic system Pneumatic system
Figure 43 Figure 44
An alcohol stove is mostly to A freeze's bottle makes
cook food and the gas repeats rooms smell fresh. One must
and it mostly has pressurized air squeeze the nozzle.
Pneumatic system Hydraulic system
Figure 45 Figure 46
A baby bottle is used by Cheese spray is like whipped cream
baby's. So milk wont come but it only sprays cheese.
out of the bottle and get Hydraulic system
the floor messy, they'll
need to bite the cap.
Hydraulic system
Figure 47 Figure 48
The hydraulic system is a transmission The air brake is a type of friction brake
system that uses pressurized for vehicles in which compressed air
hydraulic fluid to drive hydraulic pressing on a piston is used to apply the
machinery. The term hydrostatic refers pressure to the brake pad needed to stop
to the transfer of energy from flow the vehicle. (example buses, cars, trucks)
and pressure, not from the Pneumatic system
kinetic energy of the flow.
Hydraulic system
Figure 49 Figure 50
An air brake is a conveyance braking A gas compressor is a mechanical
system actuated by compressed air. device that increases the pressure of a
(example train) gas by reducing its volume.
Pneumatic system Pneumatic system
Figure 51 Figure 52
A pneumatic motor or compressed air A pneumatic motor or compressed air
engine is a type of motor which does by engine is a type of motor which does by
expanding mechanical work by expanding expanding mechanical work by
compressed air. (example Victor Tatin airplane) expanding compressed air (example
Pneumatic system mechanically powered submarine)
Pneumatic system
Figure 53 Figure 54
A barostat is a device used to maintain Cable jetting is a technique to install
constant pressure in a closed chamber. cables in ducts.Cable jetting is the
(Rectal barostat balloon, partially inflated) process of blowing a cable through
Pneumatic system a duct while simultaneously pushing
the cable into the duct.
Pneumatic system
Figure 55 Figure 56
Gas-operated is a system of The Holman projector was an
operation used to provide energy air-craft weapon used by the Royal Navy
to operate auto-loading firearms. during World War II, primarily between early
Pneumatic system 1940 and late 1941.
pneumatic system
Figure 57 Figure 58
Inflatable is an object that can be Inflatable is an object that can be
inflated with a gas usually with air inflated with a gas usually with air
but hydrogen, helium, and nitrogen but hydrogen, helium, and nitrogen
are also used. (example balloons) are also used. (example PVC)
Pneumatic system Pneumatic system
Figure 59 Figure 60
Lego pneumatic is a variety of Lego bricks which An exercise is any machine used for physical
use air pressure and specialized components to exercise.
perform various actions using the principles of Pneumatic system
Pneumatic system
Figure 62 Figure 63
A vacuum pump is a device A tire is a ring-shaped covering that fits around a
that removes gas molecules wheel's rim to protect it and enable better vehicle
from a sealed volume in order performance.
to leave behind a partial pump. Pneumatic system
Pneumatic system
Figure 64 Figure 65
A pressure sensor measures pressure, A pressure regulator is a valve that automatically
typically of gases or liquids. cuts off the flow of a liquid or gas at a certain
Pneumatic system pressure.
Pneumatic system
Figure 66 Figure 67
Pneumatic bladder is an inflatable Pneumatic cylinder are mechanical
(pneumatic) bag technology with many devices which use the power of
applications. compressed gas to produce a force
Pneumatic system in a reciprocating linear motion.
Pneumatic system
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